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Automatic Investment Management – AIM

AIM is an investment method devised by the late Robert Lichello. This method is a proven way to take advantage of the inevitable market swings to enable us to ‘Buy Low / Sell High’.

Groundrules of how the AIM Strategy works:

  1. When starting with a lump sum, only invest 50% from the start.  If establishing a monthly investment plan, also split this allocation to 50% invested (after all, there’s a 50/50 chance the market will go up OR down tomorrow!)
  2. Utilize a cash account to maintain your investment reserves / gains, awaiting further investment (starting with the second 50% of your lump sum, and then including the proceeds from sales as well as 50% of any subsequent monthly investment.)
  3. Be prepared to sell a portion of the gains you have realized and deposit them into your cash account, per the AIM algorithm.
  4. Be prepared to buy some back with your reserved cash account when the stock declines.
  5. Set a routine period of time in which to analyze the markets direction, and take action.
  6. The algorithm is relatively simple.  It involves several key points:
    1. Portfolio Control:  Running total of your stock purchases (total initial purchase plus 1/2 of follow on purchases; however it is never deducted from in a sale) in order to keep a basis of where the portfolio should ‘aim’ to be.  This is the ‘governor’ of the system – it drives the initial assessments about buy and sell decisions. 
    2. Buy/Sell Advice:  Based upon the current Stock Amount (currently owned shares times current price) compared to the Portfolio Control figure.  When the Portfolio Control amount is larger than your current Stock Value, you will look to buying (the Market is down.)  When your current Stock Value is higher than your Portfolio Control, you will look to selling (the Market is up.)
    3. SAFE (Stock Adjustment Factor Equalizer):  10% of the Stock Amount – After you do the analysis in [b] above, you compare the results to your SAFE amount – you only pull the trigger on a sale or purchase for the amount of Buy/Sell Advice less SAFE; this controls you from selling or buying too prematurely.